
Original price for diablo 3 reaper of souls ps3
Original price for diablo 3 reaper of souls ps3

original price for diablo 3 reaper of souls ps3

Considering how great the original release was, there are really only a few things you can do to make an updated version better, namely making things look a lot better and adding a ton of content.

original price for diablo 3 reaper of souls ps3

The character menus were intuitive and the online play seamless it was truly everything that fans had hoped for in a console-conversion. It feels more like a realtime action game than it did on the PC sure, there wasn’t a huge delay in the time between clicking on an enemy and your character attacking, but the game gives you the feeling that you are in direct control of that characters, not just giving orders. I dove into the adventure on the Xbox 360 and found it to be incredibly intuitive despite its strong roots in gameplay designed to use a keyboard and mouse. Blizzard did an amazing job at porting the game to the controller-centric setups of both the PS3 and the Xbox 360. If you never played the console version of the game, you definitely missed out. Having spent quite a bit of time with the PS4 version I can attest that the game looks better, plays better, and has quite a few new features that will likely suck players right back into the game (that is, if you ever left). The game is truly the complete package for the Diablo 3 experience, combining both the original game and the Reaper of Souls expansion that previously launched on the PC. Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition brings both the original console release and the PC-expansion Reaper of Souls to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in stunning fashion. The update controls and user interface adapted well to the new setting and suddenly the dungeon crawler was a really viable genre for current generation consoles.įast forward nearly a year later and Diablo 3 is getting an update on both companies’ shiny, new systems. Much to everyone’s amazement, including my own, the console version of Diablo 3 was actually incredibly well done. This is the type of game that, traditionally, belonged on the PC, and the chances of it making a decent conversion to a living room console were considered slim. Sure, it was great to see such a classic franchise make yet another console appearance, but the past release on the original PlayStation left a lot to be desired.

original price for diablo 3 reaper of souls ps3

A lot of people sighed when they heard that Diablo 3 was coming to consoles.

Original price for diablo 3 reaper of souls ps3